What is the biggest myth in medicine?
One of the biggest myths in medicine is “nothing can be done.” Patients think there is nothing they can do to better their health. Physicians think that there is nothing they can offer to help their patients. Both often accept situations as being unchangeable, when with a little effort and motivation, things can be better. Even worse, people may feel that their current health condition is a deserved punishment for previous poor health habits.
Let me offer you an alternative version of reality. People get diseases because they are human. Eating fried foods, not exercising and smoking tobacco may increase your chances of being ill, but many people have bad health habits and do not suffer any medical consequences. Therefore, there are no “deserved illnesses.” The noble human spirit is the one that tries to cope with the difficulties of life the best they can while also trying to help others in the process. It is only by struggling to overcome our weaknesses and unhealthy habits, that we can become not only better physically, but also better human beings. It is only when one gives up that one is truly defeated.
So, if you have lung disease, or love someone who does, then it’s time to saddle up and get serious about improving life. Put down the cigarettes, snack cakes, and box of tissues. We have a lot of work to do!
Self-Check of Motivational Skills
- I have put away sissy attitudes like “I’m too weak or too sick to help myself” or “there is nothing I can do,” and have replaced them with “Bring it on, I’m going to beat this. I can make lemons into lemonade.”
- I have identified the enemy and know exactly what I want to change with my life, such as “I want to cough less. I want to walk more. I want to be able to play with the Grandkids without stopping for air.”
- I have identified my allies. I will seek help from friends, family and physicians and let them know what my goals are. I know I can share my successes and failures with them and together we will emerge victorious.
- I have made up my mind to try different things until I find something that works. I have given up on the notion “I don’t want to take any medications or put chemicals in my body” and have decided that if it helps me and makes me feel better than it is worth it for me. After all, using toothpaste and deodorant isn’t “all-natural” and sometimes chemicals really can make life better.
- I have set realistic goals and schedules. I will try something, gauge the result, then re-evaluate my options in a realistic time frame.
Managing Doctors:
Primary Care